
The last month has been busy with painting, meeting up with friends, admin and prep for the Frome Open Art Trail. My stay with Jackie near Falmouth was a mixture of rest and art residency. I was encouraged to take different approaches to my work, including using large pieces of lining paper and plein air…

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January – May 2021

Over the last few months I have been considering an alternative direction for my work. My thoughts centred around the branches and twigs of trees, with the spaces in between. So I started with a few small sketches…. I produced a few paintings over the next few weeks, all oil on paper, around 22 x…

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November to January 2021

During November I was asked if I’d have a go at creating two boxes for an Advent Calendar – with a difference! The Greening the Earth Gallery in Wincanton planned to install a window display of 24 decorated wine crates to be opened daily during December. I enjoyed decorating the crates using a lot of…

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October & November

The Somerset Open Studios in September with Sarah Truscott and Viv Meadows was a quiet event though we did have a few welcome visitors and some sales. During most of October the builders came to put in a new kitchen after I had painted all the free-standing dressers and cupboards in yellow and white. After…

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July, August, September

The Frome Virtual online Art Trail took place at the start of the July with 52 artists & makers taking part. It was set up as a result of the pandemic so no doubt we could have done a few things differently! ‘End of Lake/Leaf Trail’ The painting has been worked up in Guilder’s wax.…

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Half-way through June already! The garden is looking lush with new growth, many wonderful blossoms, with constant weeding and pruning to be done. The roof of my studio-in-the-garden is covered with sedum, which turned dark red in the hot weather, and is now changing to green with the recent downpours. The birds (and squirrel) love…

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Time has flown past in lock-down! Meanwhile my web-site has been undergoing a welcome update so I’m now able to do a new post. Since the start of April, I have done a lot of gardening, always tempting in such fair and sunny weather, ordered plant plugs to pot up, conditioned the soil, weeded and…

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The world has changed since March with social distancing, shops closed, quiet roads and constant worrying news. To help our local artists & makers the Frome Open Art Trail will now be the Frome Virtual Art Trail to take place from 4th – 12th July. An opportunity to up IT skills, set up online galleries…

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During February I spent time helping to prepare for the Frome Open Art Trail, and there are now 71 artists ready to show their work in 29 venues in and around Frome. The event takes place during the Frome Festival in July, and the brochures are planned for the start of May. Meanwhile maps to…

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January 2020

January has started with reading the books given to me over Christmas, doing my tax return (now done), tidying the studio, catching up with admin for the Black Swan Guild and for the Frome Open Art Trail. Also meeting up with the Artists 303 group in ACEarts to discuss our next exhibition in the summer…

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