
Time has flown past in lock-down! Meanwhile my web-site has been undergoing a welcome update so I’m now able to do a new post. Since the start of April, I have done a lot of gardening, always tempting in such fair and sunny weather, ordered plant plugs to pot up, conditioned the soil, weeded and pruned. Like many others lucky enough to have a garden it is starting to look pretty and lush.

My mother wanted another tapestry to do so I have been designing a cushion cover for our dining room chairs (only one for now), using Aesop’s fables for a theme. The first one is Sour Grapes, and I have finally got to the painting onto the canvas stage. Here is a try out for some geraniums and the vine trunk. This is the first time I’ve attempted to do a design, so I hope she will be able to stitch it ok!

White Sheet Down

My latest commission finished! A small painting in oils on board 30 x 40 cm. Taken during a cold and chilly walk in January at the end of the day with the sun catching the tops of the hills. A favourite view for the owner who is moving away, so a lovely memory to put up in her new house.

During the last few weeks I have been working behind the scenes on the Frome Open Art Trail which is now a Virtual Art Trail. We now have an online brochure with links in place to all the artists’ galleries of work. There are 51 local artists to visit, beautiful original art to look at, and plenty of opportunity to purchase a variety of work. It will run from 4th – 12th July.