A little bit about me
Since first being able to hold a crayon I am at my happiest drawing and painting, which I do in my garden studio. My paintings are generally about landscape: trees, rocks, castle ruins and reflections in water. I consider colour, light and composition and apply layers of paint and glazes.
I work in a variety of media including oils, acrylics, gouache, oil and dry pastels. My process of creating paintings, often combined with a difficult struggle to express how I feel, results in a rich tapestry of colour and texture. My hope is for the viewer to be able to sense the passion, joy and vitality of my work.
Over a few years I have explored illustrations for traditional stories including the Firebird, The Skeleton Woman and the Crescent Moon Bear using a variety of media.
After my many local walks during lock down I started a series on the spaces between branches, including catkins and new spring leaves.
During 2023 I have exhibited in a number of venues and Art Fairs. I have also have run some art demos and workshops for Art Societies.
Paintings have been shown at the Royal West of England Academy, The Mall, Bath Society of Arts Open, and Southampton Art Gallery. My work can occasionally be seen at the First View Gallery, Stourhead.
I am a member of the Bruton Art Society, Artists 303, Art Gallery SW, the Local Art Scene and the Bath New Art Club.