November & December

The autumn colours have come and gone and now Winter is officially here with bright cold days. November was a month of painting and preparing for the Black Swan Guild’s Small & Mighty. Having decided to do a number of illustrations for the story called The Crescent Moon Bear, I realised that 8 pictures were…

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August and September filled up with preparations for SAW (Somerset Art Weeks) and the Black Swan Guild exhibition in the Round Tower, Frome. My paintings were shown at the Old Stores in Evercreech which was full of an eclectic mix of art & craft. Plus delicious cakes with a variety of teas. Along with some…

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The last few weeks have gone past rapidly: the Frome Open Studios Art Trail was enjoyed by all those who visited as well as the participating artists. Since then the Black Swan Guild have been preparing for the September Exhibition in the Round Tower in Frome. BODY:art will present works by the Guild members plus…

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June is turning into a busy month – I have finally started painting the commission from Australia, which I will work on over the next few weeks. Alongside there are paintings to finish for the July Art Trail in Frome or for Somerset Art Weeks in September. Four paintings are going to the First View…

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May started with the inaugural exhibition of the Black Swan Guild which continues til the 21st May at the Round Tower, Black Swan Arts, Frome. The newly formed Guild has 13 founder members and I have been chosen as Chair. The work on show includes ‘Heatherhope’ and ‘Re-emergence’.              …

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April 2019

March has finished when I spent most of the time setting the Art Trail brochure for the Frome Open Studios. Off to the printers on the 10th April with the brochures out in time for the Frome Art Fair on first weekend of May. Early in March I sent a design to an Australian client…

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February 2019

Now we are in February and my first 5 weeks of teaching about pastels in Trowbridge Town Hall is already finished. Much was learnt and all went away with pastel covered fingers and tables! The painting for the 50 Bees III Project is completed and at the framers, so will be ready for delivery on…

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End of 2018

Over the last few weeks I have finished some paintings. ‘High Power’ is of Ludlow Castle, commanding the River Teme from the high promontory. It was the first stone castle to be built in England around 1066.   Harlech was built by Edward 1 in the late 13th century,  and keeps watch over Snowdonia seeming…

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October & November

Looking back through the diary I see that I did little in the way of painting with more time online and in the garden. At the beginning of the month I finished the Somerset Art Works Open Studios at Batcombe Lodge where I enjoyed spending time with Moxi, and meeting many visitors. The Big Draw…

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